How To Use CZ Czechia Publish Page Rank Articles To Build A Backlink Army

Recently, I read an interesting discussion on the topic of how to write high-ranking articles for the Czechia publish page ranking. The discussion was centered on SEO article writing which goes by the name of PR článek. This particular area of expertise is very complex and somewhat misunderstood in the English speaking world. What I have decided to do here is share some insights from my years of experience as an online writer and SEO expert.

There are three basic ways to write high-ranking articles for the Czechia publish page rank. You could use a special software program that will enable you to write all of your articles from scratch in just minutes per day. Or you could spend weeks creating one or two keyword optimized articles per day to ensure that your keywords pop up on the search engine pages as frequently as possible.

I happen to use those exact methods and they do produce results. At least in the beginning. After a while I am discouraged by the lack of consistency and the seeming necessity of repeating myself over. I then start to research more about how the actual process works. Apparently some people in the SEO business were not sure what to do with all the duplicate content that was being thrown around by search engines.

For example one person believed that if you placed as much original content on your site as you could on the articles, you would be able to get a higher ranking. He also believed that placing the same content multiple times on the article directory pages was OK too. In other words he felt like if you place one original article on the page, it might actually help you get a higher ranking. In both cases he’s been very wrong. It’s been well documented that articles on the web site that are simply duplicates of one another do not receive nearly the amount of attention from the search engines as original content.

If you want to rank high on the pages of the major search engine you must use unique articles. The only way to accomplish this is to write a lot of unique articles. This is a hard task and one I rarely accomplished. Some of the advice I’ve received from others recommends using the article directory pages to write the articles. That’s ok as long as you’re writing to the correct category and the correct number of words.

The reality is that Google and other search engines will not recognize these articles. In fact if you submit just one original article with the proper number of words it’s not likely to get indexed. On the other hand, you can submit many very similar articles to the same directory. In this case the articles may be indexed but they will most likely not receive the heavy-duty treatment Google gives to unique articles. That’s why I recommend building a vocabulary of at least 50 unique articles for every category you’ll be submitting articles to.